Sunday, June 8, 2008

OH MY SWEETNESS! Saturn/Donut Peach in Season!!!

Beggar's Purse Crepe dessert with Donut Peach puree (class project 2007)
So I walked into the local grocery store today in Charlotte, and I caught a whiff of a familiar but I wasn't exactly sure what it was, but it was very sweet smelling. I walked around the fruit section until I found what it was. Donut/Saturn peaches are in season again, or if they have been, I hadn't noticed. Anyway I bought 3 for about $1.80. 

What you must understand is, I HATE PEACHES but I love these little guys. Some of you will recall that while I was at NECI ( for my final class project we used a different variety of peach for each course to tie a theme together. Mine was the Beggar's purse dessert (pictured above for those that haven't seen it yet). The sauce on the plate is the puree from this variety of peach. They are very sweet. If you can get your hands on some DO IT. Just try them, even if you HATE PEACHES, just try 1. You may have to hunt and try places like farmers markets or maybe even Trader Joe's or a specialty market but they had them all the way in Vermont and we have them now in Charlotte. 

Much love

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